Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Everything Gets Mixed Together at the Pueblo" To Be Published in Crab Orchard Review

As the kids say, Boo-Ya!

After getting honorably mentioned a couple weeks ago by Glimmer Train, my story "Everything Gets Mixed Together at the Pueblo" has been accepted for publication by the prestigious Crab Orchard Review from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. It will be part of a special "Color Wheel: Cultural Heritages" issue.

FYI, I'm pretty proud of this story, particularly because it explores some interesting racial issues between Native Americans and whites. While also making a gratuitous reference to The Bachelor. :)

The Summer/Fall 2009 Issue of Crab Orchard Review (Vol. 14, #2) will be available everywhere in September.


  1. I would like to think that, in some small way, I served as inspiration, at least for the title. Though I know that I am neither Native American, nor a Bachelorette. Insert not-particularly-literary winky-face here.

  2. Woops! I forgot to say this part: Congrats! (Holding shiny ballons, flowers a la Merlin Olsen.)
